Sunday, June 21, 2009

Melting Stones

This book is about Evvy and Rosethorn from the Circle of Magic series. After Briar, Daja, Tris and Sandry go to visit Sandry's relatives, Rosethorn and Evvy go to the Battle Islands (which used to be infested with pirates!) to investigate the dying trees. Turns out the island they are on is a valcano and it's going to explode and kill them all. Go figure. I really like this book, it's much better than I though it would be. The characters are realistic and entertaining. It would help if you read the other books in the series first. This is the tenth in the series.

Tamora Pierce

In order to explain Melting Stones, the book I just read, I have to explain the Tamora Pierce books. There's two different universes, the Tortall universe, and the Magic Circle universe. The magic circle universe is about 4 kids that have ambient magic. Tris is a weather mage, Briar is a plant mage, Daja is a metal mage and Sandry is a weaving mage. they can't control their magic, so they're sent to the Winding Circle Temple where they live with Lark and Rosethorn. After they become fully trained mages (as teenagers) they each go on seperate journeys with their main teacher, except for Sandry who gets stuck at home. Briar goes with Rosethorn to Yanjing where they discover Evvy, who is a stone mage. They take her with them and start training her to be a mage.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wide Sargasso Sea

In order to get this book you have to be familiar with the story of Jane Eyre. It's the story of Mrs. Rochester, the crazy lady in the attic. It's written in first person like Jane Eyre, but the first part is from the view of Antoinette (Mrs. Rochester) as a child and then when she becomes an adult it switches to the view of Mr. Rochester. If you enjoy detesting the crazy lady then I would advise against reading this. It definitely makes you more sympathetic towards her and answers a lot of questions. I think it was well done and really enjoyed it. It was also a really quick read.

My First Post

I got bored so I started a blog. I'm going to just be reviewing/summarizing books that I've read and listing books that I want to read.